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Working With Millennials: How To Attract And Inspire Them

Despite popular opinion, working with Millennials isn’t as daunting as it sounds - but how do you attract, retain and inspire them in the realms of business?

According to the New York Post, more than one in three employees in today’s workforce are Millennials, or born between 1981 and 1996. While Baby Boomers currently make up most of the workforce (those born between 1946 and 1965), Millennials are well and truly on track to make up a whopping 75% of the workforce by 2030. As their numbers grow, brands and businesses are going to need to adapt new strategies if they plan on staying engaging, and ultimately relevant. 


How Is Working With Millennials Different To Other Generations 

Even if you couldn’t see their face, it’s often easy enough to spot a Boomer at work. Their strengths are considered to be organised, optimistic and willing to work long hours. This generation grew up in the time of large corporate hierarchy, as opposed to more modern management structures and teamwork based job roles. 

In comparison, Millenials live a very different lifestyle to their predecessors - and it’s no surprise that they have an equally different outlook on what they expect from an employment experience. Well educated, technologically savvy, self confident and loaded with plenty of energy, they have extremely high expectations for both themselves, their bosses and their colleagues. Often viewed as quite the paradox by both their employers and their work mates, Millennials usually seek challenges and speedy career advancement, and yet revere work life balance above all else. 

How To Attract, Retain And Inspire Millennials At Work

Creating engagement strategies is one of any business owner or manager’s big goals. However, even the most successful strategies used for retaining and stimulating Boomers are going to have to be shelved, as engaging Millennials at work is a whole new ball game - so where do you start?

Make Them Proud To Work There - The brand authority that your business possesses doesn’t only shine a light on you as the owner or manager, but it also has a domino effect that inevitably attaches itself to your staff too - so make sure it’s all positive. 

Be Technology Savvy - There’s no quicker way to alienate a Millennial than by sticking to old, clunky protocols out of habit or tradition, as this can be interpreted as an unwillingness to adapt or even sheer laziness. Don’t be afraid to harness the power of social media either. 

Promote Flexibility - Above all else, Millennials value their time. Your company culture and office should both be modern enough to promote flexibility, whether that be via hours or remote working arrangements - less stress and more productivity is the end goal for both parties. 

Be Clear On Progression - A major reason why millennials leave positions is to advance their careers elsewhere. If you aren’t communicating and a millennial doesn’t see a future with your company, then they aren’t getting any incentives to stick around. 

Further Tips On Improving Your Company Culture

If you’re able to truly embrace a diverse workforce, then it’s really only a matter of time before others start paying attention to how your brand or business does so. 

What you choose to invest in or shy away from as a business owner can have a domino effect that ripples through your entire team - so are you confident in your financial choices? 

Ultimately, the team at Muro Accounting believe that every business owner is an entrepreneur. However, accounting does not discriminate - finances break down barriers and are not territorial. If you would like to take a deeper look into your finances, please get in touch with us at Muro today to ensure that you’re on the right path for success.

Tania Muscillo