Certified Practising Accountants and Business Advisors


JobKeeper 2.0 & JobSeeker

The Government has announced the future of JobKeeper and JobSeeker along with other income support measures.

For JobKeeper, current arrangements will generally remain the same until 27 September 2020. From this date onwards, employers seeking to claim JobKeeper payments will need to reassess their eligibility and prove an actual decline in turnover.

For JobSeeker, there is a winding back of some of the expanded eligibility criteria, along with the reintroduction of means and asset testing, and partner income testing. The amount individuals can earn before impacting on income support has increased to $300 per fortnight from 25 September.

The Coronavirus supplement will continue for those eligible until 31 December but at a reduced rate of $250 per fortnight.

We’ve put together a guide on each that will assist you in understanding the changes:

JobKeeper 2.0


Muscillo Romano