Certified Practising Accountants and Business Advisors


How Local Business Events Can Help Your Brand

While many of us have long written off attending local business events as a waste of time, the events of 2020 served as a reminder on the power of community. 

Whether it’s a networking night, street carnival, fundraising effort or even holding your own, being present at local business events sure can pack a punch when it comes to your brand’s marketing efforts. It’s one of the most effective ways to put a face to the name, and to engage with both new and existing customers - but what are some of the other perks?

Eight Reasons To Try Local Business Events 

The demand for local business events is driven mainly by organisations choosing it as a forum to communicate messages, to educate or train, to promote a product, to reward or celebrate, to collaborate on issues and solutions, or to generate resources. 

Many operators do tend to shy away from these styles of platforms for a variety of reasons though - for some, it’s a lack of confidence, and for others, they simply don’t value local business events as a viable use of their time. However, it’s not a method that everyone should write off, as there are many benefits to be had. 

Brand Exposure - Brand awareness represents how familiar your target audience is with your brand, and how well they recognize it. The end goal is to be recognised as a leader or authority within your sector or industry, but it starts with “getting seen”. 

Increased Traffic - Whether you have a physical retail outlet, street front store or simply just want to generate more sales, engaging with local business events is one way to steer consumer interest in your direction. 

Reach A Target Audience - 2020 saw consumers looking to support the brands trading within their local communities, and in essence to start “shopping local” more. To capitalize on this trend, engaging with local business events help to ensure you’re front and centre. 

Lift Engagement - Consumer engagement refers to a company's or brand's efforts to build relationships with individuals through personalised interactions. Humanizing your business with your own face and story goes a long way with improving engagement levels. 

Get Networking - Business networks can be one of your brand's greatest strengths, especially considering the opportunities that potential collaborations may bring your way. Local business events are one way to get to know the other enterprises in your local community. 

Know Your Competition - The flip side to networking at local business events is that you’re also able to put your competition under the microscope. When it comes to landing sales, what are they doing that you’re not, and how are they doing it? 

SEO Perks - Any localised Search Engine Optimisation will only be enhanced if your brand or business is present at local business events. If you’re a plumber operating out of Ipswich, then attending trade shows in that region will absolutely increase your click throughs. 

Generate Content - If you’re stuck on ideas when it comes to what to post on social media, newsletters and even email direct marketing campaigns, then talking about or showcasing your brand’s community spirit at local business events is a great pillar to build on. 

At the end of the day, Hosting or attending local business events creates what we all crave - a  real human connection. It’s the opportunity to benefit from all of the above, and to ultimately bond with potential customers outside the regular working environment

Sourcing Further Advice On The Basics Of Business

Whether you’re starting a business, purchasing an existing one, or even re-evaluating where your current enterprise stands - all require some form of financial know-how if you hope to successfully navigate your legal requirements as well as hitting your business goals. 

However, if understanding the legalities that surround your business or finances isn’t your strong point, then it may be reassuring to know that you’re not alone. In fact, many businesses (big and small) enlist the services of an accountant in order to free up their time while knowing that their financial obligations are already taken care of by the professionals. 

Ultimately, the team at Muro believe that every business owner is an entrepreneur. However, accounting does not discriminate - finances break down barriers and are not territorial. If you would like to take a deeper look into your finances, please get in touch with us at Muro today to ensure that you’re on the right path for success.

Lisa Bourke