Certified Practising Accountants and Business Advisors


Business Licences And Permits Registrations


In order to bring your new or existing brand to life, there are a range of different business licences and permits that you'll need to tackle first. 

When it comes to doing business in Australia, the type of business licence or permit operators need varies on both local, state and federal levels. For some, they may not require any permits at all, while for others, it can often be a combination of various approvals. Ultimately, the type of licence traders need usually boils down to the location of the business, if you have any employees, and the nature of your industry or sector. For those select few, you may not require any at all. 

Business licences and permits are important, because they are designed to provide protection to not only you, but your business and any employees. Their concept is to ensure that your business activities are allowed under Australian state and federal legislation, and enable you to trade without risk of fines or penalties.

Whether we realise it or not, there are a huge number of industries that require some form of business licences and permits to safely operate. While some of the “big” ones seem obvious, such as mining, aviation and agriculture, the smaller sectors that are often overlooked include any operators that sell alcohol or food, work directly with animals, and even the marketing and advertising industry. In order to adhere to industry standards, business licences and permits are often required to ensure that operators are both reputable, and understand their responsibilities when it comes to meeting those standards and regulations. 

Common business licences and permits often relate to:

  • Running your own business from particular premises that are considered to be unusual, such as your home or a mobile van.

  • Complying with specific laws that apply to your profession, industry or sector, such as taxation, or occupational health and safety requirements.

  • Playing or using music in your business - including your workplace, telephone on-hold music, website or marketing materials. 

  • Doing particular types of work that are considered to be niche or specific, such as operating a food business, working from heights or removing hazardous waste.

Finding The Right Business Licences And Permits

Whether we like it or not, starting a business involves far more than one good idea followed by millions in sales. While this isn’t entirely impossible, doing well in business is more so about consistency, organisation, and of course - hard work. Unsurprisingly, a great deal of that work requires owners to meet their legal obligations. 

While that includes the basics like registering the right business names and domains, obtaining the right insurance and even having an accounting system in place, business licences and permits are also considered to be a non-negotiable when it comes to starting a business in Australia. While some of these are free, others do have an upfront cost involved, so it’s crucial that owners factor these into their initial start up costs.

However, many operators aren’t quite sure where to start when it comes to identifying the right business licences and permits that may - or may not - apply to them. In order to find out your business licensing requirements, owners should start with the following. 

  1. List all of your business activities to get an idea of possible licences and permits you may need.

  2. Learn about licensing and registrations for your business, trade or profession by reading through resources such as the Queensland Government’s business start-up guide.

  3. Visit the Australian Business Licence and Information Service (ABLIS) for online information about any regulations related to operating your business including:

  • A summary of Queensland, local and Australian government requirements for your business

  • Contact details of the agency responsible for each listing

  • How to access relevant forms

  • Licence and permit details

  • Online lodgement and secure payment for some licences

Sourcing Help With Business Licences And Permits

If understanding your finances, or the in’s and outs of doing business isn’t your strong point, then it may be reassuring to know that you’re not alone. In fact, many businesses big and small enlist the services of an accountant and business advisor, in order to free up their time while knowing that their financial obligations are already taken care of by the professionals. 

What you choose to invest in or shy away from as a business owner can have a domino effect that ripples through your entire team - so are you confident in your financial choices? At Muro, we are more than just accountants. We offer our clients strategic business advice and ongoing support to help them reach their business and financial goals. Get in touch with us at Muro today to ensure that you’re on the right path for success in starting a business in 2022. 

Tania Muscillo