Certified Practising Accountants and Business Advisors


Our First Fundraiser Event for Variety Qld A Huge Success!


Muro Accounting in partnership with Wealth Depot and GSR Lawyers hosted a Charity Dinner/Dance Evening to raise money for Variety Queensland - The Children's Charity. As a group it was our first involvement in such an event.

The  charity fund raising event was held on the 30th of March, 2019 at the Abruzzo Club, Carina; a beautiful Italian restaurant close to the heart of Brisbane. The restaurant was ideally suited to hosting  the event with its' open seating arrangement, surrounding a large wooden dance floor.  Guests were treated to a magnificent three course dinner.

With live music being provided by the 1970's rock revival band, Waterloo. They played a raft of well known songs from the 70's era which ensured that everyone could sing and dance to for the entire night. The ambience certainly contributed to the overall success of the fund raiser. Well done to all involved in bringing it all together. 

Auctions and raffles were conducted across the evening with the auction items and raffle prizes generously donated by a number of supporting businesses to whom we are indebted. 

The charity event was undertaken to hopefully raise some $5,000 to provide a one year music scholarship for a fifteen year old young man named Tom Goldsworthy who suffered wih a number of  life impairment disabiities. His mother, Karen who joined us for the evening with her son Tom spoke from the heart about the impact that her son's disabilities have had on him leading up to this point in time. However, Tom has been blessed with musical talents and rated as having a Perfect Musical Pitch. Also know as Absolute Pitch it is a rare ability of a person to identify or re-create a given musical note without the benefit of a reference note. Tom has the potential to go on and become a very good muscian with the right coaching the sky is the limit. Our scholarship will provide him with coaching and mentoring in Braille music and advancing his ability to play musical instruments. 

The event proved to be both a wonderful and highly successful night raising just over $17,000 for the charity; substantially exceeding the projected target of $10,000.

With that achievement, Muro Accounting are pleased to announce the sponsorship of another young man who just happens to be named Tom as well and is also an aspiring musician. It is hoped that we will be able to present both young men at the 2020 charity event to showcase their repective talents acquired in part by the generosity of all those who contributed to their scholarships. We look forward to seeing you all at the 2020 event set for March the 28th at the Abruzzo Club, Carina. 

We do, however require the support of other businesses to sponsor the 2020 event and I beleive it is prudent to speak a little about the Variety - Queensland Children's Charity. So please consider supporting us so that we can support others.

Variety – The Children’s Charity "All children deserve the same opportunities in life."

The charity supports children and families who are facing many challenges through sickness, disadvantage or living with a disability. Their work allows children to gain mobility and freedom, to get out and about in the community, to communicate, achieve independence and increase self-esteem, and where possible, assistance to help them integrate into mainstream school and activities.

One avenue to achieve this objective is through the sponsorship of children through a Variety Heart Scholarship. After all "All Aussie kids deserve a fair go to follow their dreams".

"Whether it’s a dream to compete at a higher level in sport or being able to wow a crowd on a stage – Variety Heart Scholarships can cover items such as travel, accommodation, equipment, coaching, competition fees and much more. Variety Heart Scholarships are awarded up to the value of $5,000 per child per year in the areas of education, sports and the arts."

"Taking part in a Variety event is an exciting and fun way to raise funds for children in need. As well as helping children and their families, events are a wonderful opportunity to connect with other Variety supporters and experience what it means to be part of the ‘Variety Family’"

Thank you again to our Sponsors.

Main sponsors:

Lisa Bourke